KOSUGI+ANDO installations

The Book named Veil


The Book named Veil


1986.7.1 ~ 7.6
galerie 16, Kyoto
ギャラリー 16

戸外の葉の影が映るカーテンの写真をモチーフとする「Veil」というタイトルの小冊子(Recording No.2)を制作し、その冊子を素材にして「対話」をテーマに三つのエリアで展示を構成する。一枚の写真を見る二つの椅子のある入り口(dialogue 1)。互いに鏡像と向かい合う椅子のある通路(dialogue 2)。観客の姿を映さない鏡がある部屋(dialogue 3)。

We published a booklet titled "Veil" (Recording No. 2) with a motif of a curtain with a shadow of leaves in the open air and using the booklet as a material, this work including three areas under the theme of "Dialogue." These areas are an entrance with two chairs ("dialogue 1"), an aisle with chairs facing each other in mirror image ("dialogue 2"), and a room with a mirror that doesn't reflect the appearance of the viewer ("dialogue 3").

A chair made of real material and mirror image in the passage "dialogue 2"
Two miniatures set in the passage "dialogue 2"
Panels which image taken from the booklet "veil" (in "dialogue 2")
Two rooms like a mirrorimage ("dialogue 3")

Booklet 『Veil』
size:A5, 86pages(monochrome) Published:1986.7.1

Recording No.1

pdf(8.8MB) download↓


plan for "The Book named Veil"


小冊子「Veil」(A5サイズ モノクロ 48p.) -by KOSUGI+ANDO  上記掲載写真のもの pdf(8.8MB)

R7 作品ファイル(A3版) -by KOSUGI+ANDO  pdf(3.4MB)