2004.1.13 ~ 1.24
Space B, Former art gallery in Nagaoka-kyo campus of Osaka Seikei University, Kyoto
Space B (大阪成蹊大学芸術学部 旧長岡京校舎)
The third exhibited work of the "BEACON series" Based on image projection using a rotating projection device, we performed "projection mapping" that used in subsequent exhibitions. By video-shooting the exhibition space and people in advance, we created a situation in which the people in the image overlap the real exhibition space. In this exhibition, one more rotary projection device is installed on the landing on the second floor to project horizontally flowing text on the surrounding wall.
Exhibition video (6:08)
These pictures were taken by Koishi Nishimura etc.
BEACON公開座談会 記憶をめぐって [ゲスト:菅原和孝 出席者:安藤泰彦、稲垣貴士、小杉美穂子、吉岡洋(司会)](冊子『B#』より抜粋)